floristic composition, phyto-sanitary condition, pruning, urban streets.Abstract
The achievement of qualitative analyzes of the urban trees is essential for it’s maintenance because it allows to identify the main problems and to propose the possible solutions. Considering this situation, this work was carried out to evaluate the qualitative status of urban trees of 25 main streets of the Aracaju city, capital from Sergipe State, Brazil. The analysis were performed by means of a census, where all the individuals were quantified, identified and characterized in accordance with the following parameters: general state of the tree, general balance, plant health, intensity of mechanical injuries, ecological aspects, phenological events, interference generated by tree in the buildings, type of paving and root superficiality. It was also observed if the individuals had suffered some type of management and, subsequently, suggested the actions kind would be necessary for their adequacy. There were evaluated in total 3,595 individuals, distributed in 66 species. The most part of (46%) shown a general regular state, where the main problems observed were: tree pruning in the 31,2% of the individuals and insects xylophages (termites). The main problems observed were: cleaning pruning (32,2%) and the substitution of old and debilitated individuals (10,8%).Downloads
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