
  • Rosângela Peres Biruel UFSM
  • Aluísio Brígido Borba Filho
  • Eugênio Celso Emérito de Araújo
  • Fernando O. Fraccaro
  • Sonia Cristina Juliano Gualtieiri de Andrade Perez




Field pea nut, pre imbibition, wood species.


Pterogyne nitens Tul. is a arboreal species, with highlight requirements, growing in gaps, grass land and sandy soils . It could be used in streets, to recovery degradated areas with periodical floods. Priming is a post harvest technique, used to improve germination rate, seedling field emergence and stress tolerance. The aim of this work is to contrast, under stress conditions, different ways to the priming. The seeds with 12% of moisture content were selected, scarified with sulfuric acid during 15 min. Distilled water and mannitol solutions (-0.5 MPa and -1.0 MPa) were used to seeds pre imbibition, during 24h at 10oC. A half part of the premed seeds was drying until reach the initial moisture content, and the other part is immediately used in the tests. The accelerated aging was carried out at 100% of R.U. at 35 and 40oC; thermal stress at 60 and 70oC during 24h, and in last test, the seeds were immersed in distilled water at 10 on 27oC. All the tests were conducted with fours replicates of 20 seeds and the data registered were submitted to variance analysis and Tukey test. Seed viability and vigor decreased when stress intensity increased. The priming did not reversed this effect, but in general, mannitol solutions (-1.0 MPa) decreased the seed vigor. The primed seeds in distilled water or mannitol (-0.5 MPa) present an increase in the rate and germination percentage under stress condition.


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How to Cite

Biruel, R. P., Filho, A. B. B., Araújo, E. C. E. de, Fraccaro, F. O., & Perez, S. C. J. G. de A. (2007). EFFECTS OF PRIMING WITH OR WITHOUT DRYING ON Pterogyne nitens TUL. SEEDS UNDER STRESS. Ciência Florestal, 17(2), 119–128. https://doi.org/10.5902/198050981943


