
  • Douglas Silva Domingues UFSM
  • Ana Paula Cazerta Farro
  • Virgínia Elias Coscrato
  • Eduardo José de Mello
  • Shinitiro Oda
  • Celso Luís Marino



Bulked Segregant Analysis (BSA), early flowering, Eucalyptus, Sequence Characterized Amplified Region (SCAR).


There are few available tools in eucalyptus breeding to accelerate the selection of superior genotypes, and one of the main tools to improve this process is the use of molecular markers linked to traits of interest. Using “Bulked Segregant Analysis”, we evaluated 81 RAPD molecular markers in a Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill ex Maiden progeny that segregates for early flowering, and one marker was identified as related to this trait. This RAPD marker was converted into a Sequence-Characterized Amplified Region (SCAR), which was then evaluated in a F1 progeny, and validated in other progenies that presents this trait. The SCAR marker was informative in the progeny in which one of the parental was the donor of the band, with an efficiency of 60%. These results describe the first SCAR marker developed for eucalypt and confirm this technique as a useful molecular tool for forestry breeding which could be employed to locate markers linked to other silvicultural traits.


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How to Cite

Domingues, D. S., Farro, A. P. C., Coscrato, V. E., Mello, E. J. de, Oda, S., & Marino, C. L. (2006). IDENTIFICATION OF RAPD AND SCAR MARKER RELATED TO EARLY FLOWERING IN Eucalyptus grandis. Ciência Florestal, 16(3), 251–260.




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