
  • Márcia d´Avila UFSM
  • Ervandil C. Costa
  • Jerson V. Carús Guedes



insect-pest, Ilex paraguariensis, control of borer.


The erva-mate (Ilex paraguariensis A.St.-Hil.) has a social, cultural and economic importance in  the southern states of Brazil. The  pure stands of  this culture was responsible for the increase  of many species of insects. Hedypathes betulinus (Klug, 1825) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) is considered the main pest from an economic viewpoint because of its difficult control and potential for damage. The larval phase occurs inside the twings and trunks, what makes more difficult to deal with its detention and management. Cultural and mechanical management are the most indicated, such as collection of adults, prunning and burning of plant parts damaged by the insect, balanced nutrition, adequate plant density and maintenance of areas with native vegetation or also the introduction of policulture. These strategies  may increase  the  agroecossystem  balance  and  thus  a  reduction  of  the  insect-pest  to  an aceptable level. Therefore, the objective of this study was to assemble and the discuss the information on the bioecology and management of erva-mate borer.


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How to Cite

d´Avila, M., Costa, E. C., & Guedes, J. V. C. (2006). BIOECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT OF ERVA-MATE BORER, Hedypathes betulinus (KLUG, 1825) (COLEOPTERA: CERAMBYCIDAE). Ciência Florestal, 16(2), 133–241.



Review Article