Leguminosae, chromosome, meiosis.Abstract
Chromosome counts and meiotic behaviour analysis are excellent contributions for studies on taxonomic relationships and evolutionary patterns in plants. The tree legume species of the subfamily Caesalpinioideae have been poorly analysed cytogenetically. This work aimed at determining the number of chromosomes and analysing the meiotic behaviour in 11 species of Caesalpinioideae. Basic chromosome numbers in most of the analysed species were 2n = 28 (x = 14). Senna multijuga (L. C. Rich.) H. S. Irwin & Barneby and Schizolobium parahyba (Vell.) Blake presented 2n = 24 (x = 12) and Peltophorum dubium (Spreng.) Taub. 2n = 26 (x = 13). In all the species nuclei presented an areticulate pattern and a regular meiosis in the six species studied. Further collections and cytogenetic analyses with a major number of individuals and species are suggested, in order to provide additional data for a more comprehensive study on this group of plants.
Leguminosae; chromosome; meiosis.
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