
  • Michael Silveira Thebaldi
  • Luiz Antonio Lima
  • Matheus De Figueiredo Braga Colares
  • Antônio Carlos da Silva
  • Pedro Luiz Terra Lima




nursery, sub-irrigation, leaching.




The quality of seedlings produced at forest nurseries is related to several factors, including irrigation and the used substrate. Both have as their purposes the production of quality seedlings in a short time period, but over-irrigation can negatively affect the substrate nutrient content. This work aimed to evaluate the chemical characteristics dynamics of a forest substrate subjected to successive irrigation at sub-irrigation tanks in two plastic tubes sizes. To this end, plastic tubes of 110 and 300 cm³ were placed, containing forest substrate without the presence of new seedlings at two sub-irrigation tanks with recirculation, one for each tube size, built at Universidade Federal de Lavras. It was set up completely randomized design with two replications, being the treatment levels 0,6, 12, 18, 24 and 30 irrigations, five per day. The substrate chemical characteristics were evaluated: pH, phosphorus, potassium, iron, zinc, manganese, copper, calcium, magnesium, aluminum, boron, sulfur, effective CEC, organic matter and electrical conductivity. Additionally, before the irrigations counted as treatment, water samples were taken to check for possible changes in the quality of irrigation recycled water after successive irrigations. The sub-irrigations provided only changes in the potassium concentration in the substrate in both tubes, and most of the chemical characteristics assessed on the substrate were unchanged as a sub-irrigation function.


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How to Cite

Thebaldi, M. S., Lima, L. A., Braga Colares, M. D. F., Silva, A. C. da, & Lima, P. L. T. (2015). DYNAMICS OF THE CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF A FOREST SUBSTRATE EXPOSED TO IRRIGATION. Ciência Florestal, 25(2), 375–384. https://doi.org/10.5902/1980509818456




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