
  • Freddy Mora Pobrete UFSM
  • Raúl Meneses Rojas



variance component, type B genetic correlation, genotype x environment interaction.


Fourteen Acacia saligna provenance were evaluated based on the growth at 15 months of age in two sites of northern Chile. Type B genetic correlations were estimated to examine the genotype x environment interaction (G x E) of total height, mean canopy diameter and basal diameter. Restricted Maximum Likelihood (REML) method was used to calculate the variance components. Genetic correlation values were moderate (GpB = 0,46) to low (GpB = 0,27 y 0,17) in total height, and basal diameter and mean diameter of tree canopy, respectively, indicating high G x E interactions. There was significant difference between provenances in single-site studied (p ≤ 0,01). Provenance mean growth varied among the sites, showing greater potential towards south of the Region. Provenance specific groups selection for each site is necessary if G x E interaction continues in the future, since the best group for a specific site not always will maintain its superiority in the other.


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How to Cite

Pobrete, F. M., & Rojas, R. M. (2005). PERFORMANCE OF Acacia saligna (Labill.) H. L. Wendl. PROVENANCES IN THE COQUIMBO REGION, CHILE. Ciência Florestal, 14(1), 103–109.


