
  • Ana Carolina Callegario Pereira Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS
  • Nelson Moura Brasil do Amaral Sobrinho
  • Jesus Sampaio Junior
  • José Antonio Oliveira
  • Fabiana Soares Santos
  • Nelson Mazur



phytostabilization, steel slag, mill scale.


This study aimed to evaluate the remediation of two soils contaminated with heavy metals from soil excavations, located near the port of Itaguaí, through the techniques of chemical immobilization and phytostabilization using the species Cordia africana. The data were collected in the ore courtyard from ‘Companhia Siderúgica Nacional’ (CSN), in the port of Itaguaí, Rio de Janeiro state. In order to reduce the solubility of heavy metals present in these substrates, two industrial waste products produced by CSN were used as ameliorating products, the steelmaking slag and the mill scale, in different concentrations. The plant species was considered with potential to be used in programs of phytostabilization, due to its heavy metal tolerance studied and to high accumulation of such elements in roots and stem. In the substrate of low combination, the lowest accumulation of Zinc and Cadmium in stems and leaves occurred with the use of 4% of soothing. In the substrate of high accumaltion it was 6%.


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How to Cite

Pereira, A. C. C., Amaral Sobrinho, N. M. B. do, Sampaio Junior, J., Oliveira, J. A., Santos, F. S., & Mazur, N. (2013). BEHAVIOR OF CÓRDIA AFRICANA (<i>Cordia africana</i> Lam.) CULTIVATED IN SOIL CONTAMINATED BY HEAVY METALS AND TREATED WITH AMENDMENT MATERIALS. Ciência Florestal, 23(3), 329–336.




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