
  • Rogério Bobrowski Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS
  • Everaldo Marques de Lima Neto
  • Daniela Biondi



forestry practices, pruning, canopies, management of urban trees.


The urban structure and equipments can restrict the correct development of trees and its typical architecture. Tipuana tipu (Benth.) O. Kuntze (rosewood) has been pruned continuously for being a species of large size and for being the most planted tree in the city of Curitiba. Because of that, this work aimed to assess the changes in the typical architecture of Tipuana tipu on street trees of Curitiba through completely randomized design containing a check plot composed by 6 trees and a treatment with 6 trees under utility lines and another with 6 trees in streets without utility lines. From horizontal photographs of trees were obtained dendrometric variables based on a metric scale attached at DBH. Thus, the morphometric indexes were calculated to describe dimensional relationships for the species on trees without pruning (check plot) and on pruned trees (treatments). The results showed that raising pruning change typical architecture of rosewood modifying its outline and its form, in addition to harm your aesthetic effect. The indexes that can express changes significantly (p<0.05), were: range index, salience index, crown angle, crown proportion and relation RH/PH.


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How to Cite

Bobrowski, R., Lima Neto, E. M. de, & Biondi, D. (2013). CHANGES IN THE TYPICAL ARCHITECTURE OF <i>Tipuana tipu</i> (Benth.) O. Kuntze ON STREET TREES OF CURITIBA, PARANÁ. Ciência Florestal, 23(3), 281–289.




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