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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and new, and is NOT being evaluated for publication in another journal.
  • The submission files are in Microsoft Word format (DOC or RTF), not exceeding 2 MB.
  • The manuscript text must comply with the REQUIREMENTS (single spacing, lines and pages numbered, Times New Roman 11pt font, using italics instead of underlining (except in URL addresses), Graphics and Figures inserted in the text (Read more instructions in the REQUIREMENTS . Papers must not exceed 12 single-spaced pages. ATTENTION : the submissions that DON'T follow the GUIDELINES will be returned.
  • The text must follow the norms and bibliographic requirements described in the GUIDELINES , which can be seen in ABOUT-Submissions.
  • The authorship identification and the Word Properties option must be removed from the article (ATTENTION: check the parts in bold), thus guaranteeing the secrecy criterion of this journal, in case of being submitted to peer review (for example: articles), according to the instructions available on the Blind Peer Review Statement.
  • Sign up rules:
    Use lowercase letters and numbers in the user field.

Author Guidelines

1. Ciência Florestal publishes UNPRECEDENTED technical-scientific articles, resulting from researches in the forestry area. Short communications and Reviews are also accepted. The texts can be written in Portuguese, English or Spanish.


2. The following fees are charged for the submission:

§1 Submission fee: R$ 70,00 (seventy reais). The payment of this fee does not guarantee the publishing of the manuscript.

§2 Publishing fee: R$ 350,00 (three hundred and fifty reais). This amount must be collected only upon request by the editor.

The amounts must be deposited on the account n. 961.962-3, Banco do Brasil agency n. 1615-2 (FUNDEP-CNPJ:  18.720.938/0001-41). A copy of the receipt must be sent as a "Supplementary Document", on the submission section. The publishing fee receipt must be sent to CIÊNCIA FLORESTAL by e-mail only when requested. Deposited amounts will not be returned. To get a receipt, the author must send the following data: Name/Corporate Name, CPF/CNPJ, full address containing CEP, the amount, description (payment of submission or publishing fee) and project (29463 - Revista Ciência Florestal III - Prof. Cristiane Pedrazzi).


3. Manuscripts must be submitted to the journal via online through the OJS PLATFORM. The author who is submitting the article assumes all the responsibility for the information included in the system, such as: affirming the awareness and total agreement of the other authors regarding the submission, which must be an unpublished manuscript as well as not being processed in another journal.

The concepts and statements written on the article are exclusive responsibility of the authors. However, the Editorial Board reserves the right of requesting or suggesting modifications on the original text.

4. The manuscripts must be organized in the following description:

4.1. Scientific Article and Short Communication: Title, Abstract, Introduction containing Literature Review and objectives, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments (if any) and References. Before the References item, if it's appropriate, it must be mentioned the approval by the Institution's Ethics and Biosafety Committee.

4.2. Bibliographical review article: Title, Abstract, Introduction, Development, Conclusion, Acknowledgments (if any) and References.


5. The manuscript must be elaborated in agreement with one of the following models:

Portuguese Template for new submission

English Template for new submission

5.1 The manuscript must be elaborated in a text editor, such as Word, Writer and similar. Do not use .tex, .txt and notepad file formats.

6. The complete paper must contain a maximum of 20 pages.

7. Figures (graphics and photographs) CAN BE IN COLOR, but without outline. Size (width and height) cannot exceed 17 cm, always in portrait format. We recommend that you follow the Article Template recommendations for new submission.

8. Figures and graphics must be self-explanatory and placed on the text right after their first call, in image format. The identification of them must be expressed in the language used on the manuscript. The graphics must also have their version in Excel format and sent as a Supplementary Document, entitled as Graphic and containing the corresponding number. The figures, in addition to being on the text, must be sent as a Supplementary Document, in image format, with a resolution greater than 300 dpi, entitled as Figure and containing the corresponding number. For numerical content graphics, the commas (or periods) must be aligned vertically and the numbers centered on the column.

9. Scientific names must have genus and species written in full (Ex: Araucaria angustifolia) and in italics (and follow the style in which they are inserted).

10. Formulas must appear on the text in the form of an image and, in the Supplementary Document, they must be edited by the Equation Editor module of Microsoft Word, complying with the text font, with symbols, subscript/superscript, etc., in adequate proportions, not larger than 11pt font. In the supplementary document they must be entitled as Equation, containing the corresponding number.

11. Bibliographic quotes must follow the rules of ABNT NBR 10520, using the "author-date" system. All quotations mentioned in the text must be listed in the References list (and vice versa), in accordance with ABNT NBR 6023. In the REFERENCES item, the author must include all quotations used in the text, preferably the most relevant references from the last 10 years and within the recommended limit of 30 quotes.

IMPORTANT: As recommended by the journal's marking service, all authors must be identified on the references. Therefore, the expression et al. will no longer be used in the text.

12. At the appropriate time, the author will be asked to insert the names of all the participants, which must be positioned just below the title in English, and identified with a superscript sequential number. The name of the authors must be indicated at the bottom of the first page, preceded by the identification number, and must contain: graduation title (Ex: Forestry Engineer), higher title (Ex: Dr.), description of the function/profession (Ex: Professor at the Department of Forestry Sciences, Rural Sciences Centre, Federal University of Santa Maria), address (Ex: Av. Roraima, 1000, CEP 97105-900, Santa Maria (RS), Brasil.) and e-mail (Ex:

13. Manuscripts submitted to the journal undergo initial screening by the area committee, are sent to ad hoc reviewers, returned to the authors for corrections and, subsequently, undergo the final evaluation of the Editorial Board. In addition, they still undergo Portuguese language corrections and references. The accepted articles are published in the order of approval, and for the non-accepted ones, the authors are communicated. Articles are available in "pdf" format at the journal's website (

14. In case you have any doubts about formatting, you can consult the articles that are already published on the website or contact us via e-mail

IMPORTANT: The author must necessarily submit his manuscript through a plagiarism detection program before its submission to the journal, and the similarity result CANNOT EXCEED 10%. It is recommended to use the Copy Spider software as it is a free program (


Upon receiving the paper for adjustments, DO NOT POST IT AS A NEW SUBMISSION, please add it on the EVALUATION section (Author's Version, Search and Transfer). To post it as a new paper you must have the AUTHORIZATION of the Editor, requested via email, informing the complete name of the manuscript, avoiding the duplication of the same paper in the system.


No momento da Submissão, todos os trabalhos serão incluídos na seção Artigos. Após análise científica, alguns poderão ser encaminhados para as seções Nota Técnica ou Artigo de Revisão.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and is not available for other purposes or to third parties.