About the Journal

Focus and Scope


The journal Forest Science was established in 1991 with the goal of being a vehicle for dissemination which are published works tércnico-scientific forest-related, the following bodies crowded the Centro de Ciências Rurais of Universidade Federal de Santa Maria:
- Centro de Pesquisas Florestais - CEPEF
- Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia Florestal - PPGEF
- Departamento de Ciências Florestais - DCFL


Publish scientific papers, technical notes, and literature reviews related to the area of ​​forest sciences.

Peer Review Process

The works will be evaluated anonymously by a pair of Ad Hoc Reviewers, taking into account the importance of the topic, methodology, results discussed, writing, consistency, originality, timeliness of information and compliance with Guidelines for Authors and ethical standards.