What God and a notion of health have to do with the socio-environmental conflicts in Brazil
Fiocruz, CPT, Socio-Environmental ConflictsAbstract
The Pastoral Land Commission (CPT) signs a dense work about socio-environmental conflicts in the country, the Conflict in the Field Brazil, which unveils mobilizations of subjects before imminent or deflagrated actions against their ways of lives. The information denounces and foresees the conflictive scenario of the country, due to the recurrence of the data. The Map of Conflicts involving Environmental Injustice and the Health in Brazil denounces, on a website, national conflicts and is authored by the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz). We analyzed the Map - site and book about the tool - and 14 editions of Conflicts in the Field Brazil. In this article, we highlight distinctive and common aspects of both and the correlations with religion made by the CPT in publicizing the conflicts and, in the case of Fiocruz, why such struggles involve a comprehensive understanding of health.
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