Avaliação da Percepção da Comunidade em Relação às Paisagens de uma Unidade de Conservação


  • Nara Rejane Zamberlan dos Santos UNIPAMPA/Campus São Gabriel São Gabriel, RS
  • Rosane Maria Kirchner UNIPAMPA/Campus São Gabriel São Gabriel, RS
  • Ana Paula Fleig UNIPAMPA/Campus São Gabriel São Gabriel, RS




The landscape is considered the combination of natural elementsincreased by the human action intervention. The objective of the researchwas to analyze the landscape perceptions in a conservation unit, throughthematic photographs, in the city of Canela/RS. For the analysis of thedata, descriptive statistics were used, as well as chi-square tests and thecorrespondence analysis multivariate technique. The conclusion reachedwas that in the five evaluated types of landscape, the perception of thedistribution of elements predominated, followed by the feeling, and, finally,the colors. This evaluation indicated that the people perceive selectivelywhat interests them according to their sociocultural context.




How to Cite

dos Santos, N. R. Z., Kirchner, R. M., & Fleig, A. P. (2009). Avaliação da Percepção da Comunidade em Relação às Paisagens de uma Unidade de Conservação. Ciência E Natura, 31(2), 107–120. https://doi.org/10.5902/2179460X9919

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