Composição e Distribuição de Insetos Aquáticos no rio Vacacaí-Mirim, Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul


  • Ludmilla Oliveira Ribeiro UFSM
  • Rodrigo König UFSM
  • Érico Marlon de Moraes Flores UFSM
  • Sandro Santos UFSM


In freshwater environments, insects correspond to the major partof the invertebrate fauna and several environmental characteristics aredeterminant to the structure and seasonal occurrence of the group. Insectsplay an important role in water bodies and have been used in biomonitoringstudies. The present study aimed to verify the aquatic entomofaunacomposition from Vacacaí-Mirim River, analyzing the relation between thecommunity and the environmental characteristics from different locals. Fourseasonal samplings were realized in three points along Vacacaí-Mirim River.Some abiotic parameters were also recorded in each local (pH, Dissolvedoxygen, COD and turbidity) and insects were captured by a dip net. Atpoint 2, where there is an excessive entry of organic material, the familyChironomidae was the most abundant since it tolerates abrupt changes inhabitat conditions, with high adaptability. At points 2 and 3, groupsbelonging to orders Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera, which arecharacterized by presenting more sensitivity to disturbances, were moreabundant. In these places, mainly at point 3, the presence of abundantriparian vegetation might have softened the influence of anthropogenicactivities on the water quality. The results validate the group efficiency inresponding to environmental alterations, suggesting its application inmonitoring programs. They also emphasize the need of implementation ofprograms aiming to recover the areas around of water bodies.


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How to Cite

Ribeiro, L. O., König, R., de Moraes Flores, Érico M., & Santos, S. (2009). Composição e Distribuição de Insetos Aquáticos no rio Vacacaí-Mirim, Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul. Ciência E Natura, 31(1), 79–93. Retrieved from