Comportamento da Temperatura do Lixo em duas Épocas Distintas (seca e chuvosa) no Lixão da Cidade de Maceió, AL


  • Glauber Lopes Mariano Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, São José dos Campos, SP- Brasil
  • Marcos Antonio Lima Moura Instituto de Ciências Atmosféricas da Universidade Federal de Alagoas



Maceió city, due to the inexistence of industry pollutants, detainsits landfill, located in Cruz das Almas neighborhood (LAT 09º 33’ S; LON35º 46’ W) as one of the main atmospheric pollutants source emission.

There are two great reasons to the inhabitant claims that live near the landfill.The leached ashes resulted from the waste combustion, mainly during thedry period in the region (October, November, December and January),and the gas emission produced by the waste bacteria and chemical activity,that occurs during all the year, being most noted by the surroundingpopulation in the rainy period. (April, May, June and July). The main aimof this paper is to analyzer the waste temperature profile, in twoclimatologically distinct period (dry and wet seasons) in the landfill. To doit, three field experiments were carried out with an automatic weather stationinstallation (EMA), to solar global radiation, precipitation and wastetemperature soil profile in four different levels (5, 25, 50 and 100 cm) beingtwo fields campaigns in the dry season and another in wet period. Couldnote that the waste temperature (TL) varies according to the season,emphasizing the dry period, where the waste temperature is highest in thelevel near surface, while in the wet period occurs the opposite. Was notedthat the precipitation substandard the waste temperature profile.




How to Cite

Mariano, G. L., & Moura, M. A. L. (2009). Comportamento da Temperatura do Lixo em duas Épocas Distintas (seca e chuvosa) no Lixão da Cidade de Maceió, AL. Ciência E Natura, 31(2), 57–70.

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