Relevo e Potencial de Fragilidade Natural do Município de São Pedro do Sul - RS


  • Luís Fernando Devicari Bacharel em Geografia
  • Mauro Kumpfer Werlang Professor Adjundo do Departamento de Geociências/CCNE Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - Santa Maria, RS



The environmental problems happen, in most of the cases, fromthe deficiencies that exist in the administration processes. When the naturalresources are used in an inadequate way, negative impacts are generatedto the environment. The population boom contingent with the consequentpressure on the natural resources worsens the concern about appropriateadministration of those resources. Considering that, the men’s actions onthe nature should be planned to reach the sustainability. In this way, itshould be taken into account the potentialities and fragilities of eachatmosphere. Considering that, the municipal district of São Pedro do Sul isplaced in the central area of the Rio Grande do Sul state, in the transitionarea among the Plateaus and Plated of the Sedimentary basin of Paraná aswell as to the Outlying Depression Sul-riograndense. The used methodologywas based on the conception of EUPS (Universal Equation of Soil Losses)considered as a reference the topographical factor (LS) through the risingof the modeled of the relief. It was also regarded the K factor (level of thesoil erosion) considering as a remark the rising soils of the city. The factorsconsidered extenuating, (C, P) it was used of the earth and handlingpractices, of EUPS they were omitted, as well as the factor R (erosivity ofthe rain) that was considered constant for the area. The rising of the naturalpotential fragility was obtained in atmosphere of SIG through thecrossing of the relief modeled map, obtained from the methodologyproposed by Ross (1992) and of the half-detalide soils map of the São Pedrocity in South (Klamt et al, 2001). The classes for definition of the potentialof natural fragility were contained through the divergent quartílico (Gerardi& Silva, 1981). The result obtained show strong relationship of the reliefdissection with the erosive potential, demonstrating that modeled reliefexpresses different degrees of atmosphere fragility.


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How to Cite

Devicari, L. F., & Werlang, M. K. (2007). Relevo e Potencial de Fragilidade Natural do Município de São Pedro do Sul - RS. Ciência E Natura, 29(2), 129–143.