Os Impactos da Territorialização dos Assentamentos Rurais em Candiota, RS*


  • Flamarion Dutra Alves1 UNESP
  • Vicente Celestino Pires Silveira UFSM




This paper analyzes the impacts of rural settlementsterritorialization in the Candiota County, located in the south region ofthe Rio Grande do Sul. The topic starts from the territorial occupation ofRio Grande do Sul state that begins with regional differences, one side the great property in the south region and another one, the small property innorth-northeast region of the state. The modernization process inagriculture, from 1960, amplifies the social-economical difference causingthe increase of the rural exodus, land and income concentration.Consequently, begins social movements in the rural areas, which demandedland distribution and agrarian structure modification. In the end of thedecade of 1980, it establishes rural settlements in Candiota causing areduction in the agrarian concentration and increasing the social-economicaldynamism in the rural area of the County. In 2006, Candiota has twentyand five rural settlements with 693 families. They had modified and generatea new dynamics in the County.


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How to Cite

Alves1, F. D., & Pires Silveira, V. C. (2008). Os Impactos da Territorialização dos Assentamentos Rurais em Candiota, RS*. Ciência E Natura, 30(1), 149–172. https://doi.org/10.5902/2179460X9818