Análise Sinótica da Intensa Precipitação Observada no dia 11/09/2002 em Santa Maria, RS


  • Everson Dal Piva Dal Piva Pesquisador-bolsista do curso de Meteorologia, do Departamento de Física, Centro de Ciências Naturais e Exatas/UFSM



This article analyzes the intense rainfall observed in the morningof 11 September 2002 in Santa Maria, located in central region of Rio Grandedo Sul State. Regional reanalysis from CPTEC/INPE, satellite images andsimulation data with BRAMS were used. The strong rainfall was generatedby prefrontal convection, triggered by the approach of a cold front,associated with an extratropical cyclone located over the southern tip ofSouth America, and supplied by moisture from amazon basin. Relevantmeteorological parameters indicate that the storm that reached Santa Mariamay have been a supercell, a system that triggers most of the tornadoesaround the world. The simulation with regional model presented similaritiesand divergences with respect to the observation. Among the similarities:onset of the convection around 1700UTC in the Brazil-Argentina border;propagation of this convection southeastward towards the center of theRio Grande do Sul State; and formation of new cells towards Argentina.Among the divergences: the simulation showed that the precipitation wasmore spatially concentrated than observed; the model tends to generatemore precipitation in the bottom of the valleys; and the propagation of theconvection northwestward towards Paraguay was slower than observed.




How to Cite

Dal Piva, E. D. P. (2007). Análise Sinótica da Intensa Precipitação Observada no dia 11/09/2002 em Santa Maria, RS. Ciência E Natura, 29(2), 7–26.