As Abordagens Clássica e Dinâmica de Clima: Uma Revisão Bibliográfica Aplicada ao Tema da Compreensão da Realidade Climática


  • Davi Gasparini Fernandes Cunha Graduando em Engenharia Ambiental, Departamento de Hidráulica e Saneamento, Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos, Universidade de São Paulo (SHS-EESC-USP)
  • Francisco Vecchia Professor Doutor, Departamento de Hidráulica e Saneamento, Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos, Universidade de São Paulo (SHS-EESC-USP)



The present study aimed to elaborate a critical analysis about thetwo most disseminated climate approaches in Brazil: the traditional view(classic climatology) and the dynamic one (dynamic climatology). Thiswork was done by using a literature review, as well as the state of the art ofthe subject that was studied. The evolution of climate conceptions is showedin a chronological way, presenting the most important ideas of differentauthors. Besides, the procedure methods adopted in each approach, theclassic one and the dynamic one, are showed with critical analysis. It waspossible to observe that traditional approach is still dominant and manyteaching institutions have largely been using it. Nevertheless, the dynamicapproach has progressively been acquiring space when the interdependencyof climate elements is considered to better understand the processes, in anintegrated way.




How to Cite

Cunha, D. G. F., & Vecchia, F. (2007). As Abordagens Clássica e Dinâmica de Clima: Uma Revisão Bibliográfica Aplicada ao Tema da Compreensão da Realidade Climática. Ciência E Natura, 29(1), 137–149.