Sítios Fossilíferos de Santa Maria, RS, Brasil


  • Átila Augusto Stock Da Rosa Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos


The fossiliferous sites from Santa Maria are known since thebeginning of the XX century, being recorded fossil vertebrates, invertebratesand plant remains from the Late Triassic. However, this patrimony needs to beprotected, being the lack of governmental action a main risk to depredation inmost cases. In this paper, the fossiliferous sites from the urban area of SantaMaria, South of Brazil, are recognized, in order to help in their protection.


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How to Cite

Stock Da Rosa, Átila A. (2004). Sítios Fossilíferos de Santa Maria, RS, Brasil. Ciência E Natura, 26(2), 75–90. Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufsm.br/cienciaenatura/article/view/9692