Modelado de Relevo na Microbacia do Arroio Cadena - Santa Maria/RS


  • Cristiane Regina Michelon LEA- Laboratório de Estudos Ambientais Departamento de Geociências - CCNE - UFSM Santa Maria- RS- Brasil
  • Mauro Kumpfer Werlang LEA- Laboratório de Estudos Ambientais Departamento de Geociências - CCNE - UFSM Santa Maria- RS- Brasil



The present work had as objective to analyze the different onesmodeled of the relief in Arroio Cadena's microbasim, highlighting the areas ofdrainage heads as feeding source for the processes erosive. Made himselfinitially the use of the methodology proposed by the Projeto RADAMBRASIL(1986), and later on adapted by Ross (1992 and 1996), which bases on thedimension interfluvial and the degree of to carve of the channels.The area instudy comes on three compartments geomorphological the Edge of the BrazilianSouthern Plateau, the Central Depression and the Alluvial Plain.The Edge of the Plateau presents steep backs, prevailing modeled ofstrong and very strong dissection, the section of the Central Depressionpresents modeled predominantly medium. Associated the that modeled, hestands out to strong influence of the conditions litológicas and the nichospresence of nascent, in what he refers to the evolution in the relief ways. Thecorresponding section the Alluvial Plain presents modeled predominant ofaccumulation formed by recent deposits, that they favor the occupation mostof the time in a disordered way, contributing to the processes ofdesbarrancamento of the margins.


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Author Biographies

Cristiane Regina Michelon, LEA- Laboratório de Estudos Ambientais Departamento de Geociências - CCNE - UFSM Santa Maria- RS- Brasil

Mauro Kumpfer Werlang, LEA- Laboratório de Estudos Ambientais Departamento de Geociências - CCNE - UFSM Santa Maria- RS- Brasil



How to Cite

Michelon, C. R., & Werlang, M. K. (2004). Modelado de Relevo na Microbacia do Arroio Cadena - Santa Maria/RS. Ciência E Natura, 26(1), 27–45.