Filtragem de Momentum por Escala pelo Dossel da Floresta Amazônica


  • Cledenilson Souza
  • Leonardo Sá
  • Julio Tóta


We used data from tem anemometers vertically placed in a 60mheight tower at the Rebio-Jarú Reserve, RO, LBA Project, to analyze thespectral filtering characteristics of the Amazon forest canopy concerningthe momentum transport. We apply Morlet wavelet transform toinvestigate wind velocity time series sampled at 0.1 Hz. Two classes ofevents have been analyzed: very strong (I) and weak (II) winds. Aninvestigation of the coupling of canopy flow to ambient flow has beenperformed with data measured above and inside the forest canopy usinglinear correlation coefficients. For the class I, we have observed an efficientcoupling among above and inside canopy wind fields, even for thin lengthscales. However, for the class II, we have observed a lesser couplingamong the data measured above and inside the canopy and we found ascale threshold beyond which there is no more momentum transfer at all.


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How to Cite

Souza, C., Sá, L., & Tóta, J. (2009). Filtragem de Momentum por Escala pelo Dossel da Floresta Amazônica. Ciência E Natura, 61–64. Retrieved from