Couette flow between parallel plates: a benchmark case for teaching computational fluid dynamics
Finite volume methods, Couette Flow, CalcMe, OpenFOAM, CFDAbstract
Computational Fluid Dynamics numerically solves the equations of fluid flow. The syllabus covered in the area includes numerical methods, modeling, and computational tools, making it an interdisciplinary challenge to develop material for undergraduate courses. This work presents a methodology for teaching the finite volume method and the steps of a fluid dynamics simulation through the case study of Couette flow between parallel plates. The work presents the didactic content for deriving the discrete equations using the finite volume method for 1D steady-state purely diffusive flow. The assembly and solution of the algebraic system uses a free tool, CalcMe, an online application for algebraic calculations. Then, the same case is solved using a free simulation tool, OpenFOAM®, and the teaching material is presented in the format of a tutorial. Finally, this work adopts only free tools and presents a methodology aimed at mitigating the effects of “black-box” simulation through explanatory didactic material, which aims to broaden access to knowledge of numerical solution and usability of a fluid dynamics simulation tool.
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