Cognitive schemes presented by university students when solving interdisciplinary problems in calculus and physics
Interdisciplinarity, Integral, APOS TheoryAbstract
This research aims to analyze the cognitive schemes associated with the concept of integral presented by university students when solving interdisciplinary problems in Calculus and Physics. Using the APOS theory as theoretical support, we established the genetic decomposition of the concept of integral and selected four problems that involve concepts from Physics and which are solved using the schemes of the concept of integral. The study, with a qualitative approach, was developed with 30 students from an Engineering course at a federal public higher education institution. The data were collected through the students' written production when solving the proposed problems and analyzed following the constructions and mental mechanisms established in accordance with the APOS theory, and presented by the students when solving the problems. From the main results obtained, we showed that the use of interdisciplinary problems from Calculus and Physics was fundamental for the construction of cognitive schemes about the integral by the majority of students. This brought motivation and interest to students, a factor that probably contributed to the development of the mental mechanisms that enabled the construction of concepts.
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