Microalgae cultivation: from waste as nutrients source to CO2 mitigation – a review containing CFD modeling





Microalgae, Cultivation, Nutrients, Wastewater, Bioproducts , CFD


The increasing concern for environmental management promotes the development of new products and processes, aiming for economic progress with environmental protection. Through the cultivation of microalgae, photosynthetic organisms that convert water, CO2 and light into oxygen and biomass, able to produce an unlimited amount of biocompounds. Factors such as temperature, pH, type of system and culture medium used are essential for its development and biomass composition. These microbes can not only absorb inorganic matter from the effluent and assimilate these nutrients for its growth, minimizing the cost of nutrient addition, but also absorb CO2 in the atmosphere or flue gas through photosynthesis Thus, this work presents a review on the cultivation of microalgae using wastewater as a source of nutrients generating compounds with industrial interest and biotechnological applications besides a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling for CO2 reduction aiming the scale-up. The use of wastewater for the cultivation of microalgae has been studied for years, as well CO2 mitigation, however, there is still much to be explored to obtain greater use of waste; and together with the increasing of CFD technique applied for bioprocess, they can contribute for process optimization, scale-up and improvements in the environment.


Author Biographies

Larissa Thais Pereira, Universidade Regional de Blumenau

Graduate in Chemical Engineer with master’s in chemical engineering, both at University of Blumenau.

Jean Carlos Wohlenberg, Universidade Regional de Blumenau

Graduate in Chemical Engineer at Federal University of Pampa, with master’s in chemical engineering,  at University of Blumenau. 

Quethelen Elizabeth Araujo Garcez Rodrigues, Universidade Regional de Blumenau

Graduate in Chemical Engineer with master’s in chemical engineering, both at University of Blumenau. 

Jorge Alberto Vieira Costa, Universidade Regional de Blumenau

Professor at School of Chemistry and Food at Federal University of Rio Grande.

Marcel Jefferson Gonçalves, Universidade Regional de Blumenau

Professor at Chemical Engineering Department at University of Blumenau.

Leonardo Machado da Rosa, Universidade Regional de Blumenau

Researcher at Chemical Engineering Department at University of Blumenau.

Marcela Kotsuka da Silva, Universidade Regional de Blumenau

Professor at Chemical Engineering Department at University of Blumenau. 

Lisiane Fernandes de Carvalho, Universidade Regional de Blumenau

Professor at Chemical Engineering Department at University of Blumenau. 


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Pereira, L. T., Wohlenberg, J. C., Rodrigues, Q. E. A. G., Costa, J. A. V., Gonçalves, M. J., Rosa, L. M. da, Silva, M. K. da, & Carvalho, L. F. de. (2024). Microalgae cultivation: from waste as nutrients source to CO2 mitigation – a review containing CFD modeling. Ciência E Natura, 46, e85133. https://doi.org/10.5902/2179460X85133