Therapeutic applications of Eugenia klotzschiana O.Berg: A Systematic Bibliographic Review




Ethnobotany, Chemical composition, START, Phytotherapeutics


Eugenia klotzschiana O.Berg is an endemic plant from the Brazilian Cerrado biome with substantial chemical and genomic diversity. This systematic review aimed to identify the therapeutic applications of the plant in the SciELO, Bireme, LILACS, PubMed/Medline, Web of Science, Google Scholar, and Science Direct bibliographic databases, using the START Program for identifying and selecting studies. Forty-six articles were obtained, of which 42 were excluded, and four were included in the review. The described therapeutic applications were antioxidant, antimicrobial, antiparasitic, and cytotoxic activities of fruits, flowers, and leaves. The small number of published articles indicates the need for developing studies on the therapeutic potential of E. klotzschiana O. Berg.


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Author Biographies

Charles Lima Ribeiro, Centro Universitário de Anápolis

Graduated in Biological Sciences from Centro Universitário de Anápolis - UniEvangélica, with a full PROUNI scholarship, and Pedagogy from Faculdade de Educação Regional Serrana - FUNPAC; specialist in Technologies Applied to Biology Teaching at the Federal University of Goiás - UFG, in Clinical Analysis, Microbiology and Hospital Pedagogy at the Cândido Mendes University, Environmental Health Surveillance at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ, Teacher training for the initial years with an emphasis on Science Teaching, at the Cidade Verde University Center - UniFCV, Special and Inclusive Education / Institutional and Clinical Neuropsychopedagogy at the Venda Nova do Imigrante College - FAVENI; master's degree in Molecular Sciences, area: Organic Chemistry, from the State University of Goiás-UEG as a CAPES scholarship holder and a PhD in Environmental Sciences, area: Biodiversity and Sustainable Development, in the Society, Technology and Environment Program, from the Evangelical University of Goiás- UniEvangélica. He is currently doing a post-doctoral internship in the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Territories and Cultural Expressions in the Cerrado (TECCER) at the State University of Goiás - UEG.

Letícia Arantes da Silva, Universidade Estadual de Goiás - UEG

Pharmacy student at the State University of Goiás - UEG.

Stephanie Matos de Avelar, Universidade Estadual de Goiás - UEG

Pharmacy student at the State University of Goiás - UEG.

Plínio Lázaro Faleiro Naves, Universidade Estadual de Goiás - UEG

A lecturer at the State University of Goiás, she received a scholarship from the European Union's Alban Program and completed her doctorate at the Complutense University of Madrid - Spain, carrying out her research into the modulation of quorum sensing in bacterial biofilms at the Medical Microbiology and Antimicrobial Chemotherapy Unit of the Jiménez Díaz Foundation. She completed her master's degree in tropical medicine at the Federal University of Goiás in 1999. He has published more than 40 scientific articles in specialized journals and more than 70 papers in the proceedings of events, has around 20 items of technical production, and has participated in more than 50 events in Brazil and abroad. She works in the field of medical microbiology with an emphasis on the study of microbial biofilms. In her professional activities, she has interacted with more than 70 collaborators in co-authoring scientific papers. In her Lattes CV, the most frequent terms used to contextualize her scientific production are: Virulence factors, biofilm, Escherichia coli, health professionals, hospital infection, Candida albicans, bioassays, MRSA, resistance profile and hospital environment.

Josana de Castro Peixoto, Universidade Estadual de Goiás - UEG

He holds a bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences from the Federal University of Goiás (2001) and a licentiate degree from the State University of Goiás (2000). Master's degree (2001), PhD in Biology (2010) and post-doctoral internship at the Federal University of Goiás (2015) in partnership with the Applied Biology and Ecology Program at the University of La Serena, La Serena, Chile. He is a permanent lecturer at the State University of Goiás, central campus, Anápolis, GO and in the Postgraduate Program in Territories and Cultural Expressions of the Cerrado (TECCER). She also works at the Centro Universitário de Anápolis in the undergraduate course in Biological Sciences, where she is also the course director, and in the Postgraduate Program (stricto sensu) in Society, Technology and the Environment (PPGSTMA). She has experience in the area of native plants of the Cerrado and the conservation and bioprospecting of natural products, where she participates in morphoanatomical, phytochemical, pharmacological and toxicological studies of plants and their natural products. She also works in the area of Environmental Sciences, where she participates in research aimed at the conservation and protection of nature. She is a member of the Biodiversity and Environment research group and coordinates the research project Dynamics of vegetation succession in a forested area of the Cerrado in Goiás, which is linked to the PROCAD/CAPES project “New Frontiers in the West: the relationship between society and nature in the Ceres micro-region in Goiás (1940-2013)”. Process CAPES 2980/2014. She participates in the Environmental Education Center of the PPGSTMA, developing community outreach activities.


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How to Cite

Ribeiro, C. L., Silva, L. A. da, Avelar, S. M. de, Naves, P. L. F., & Peixoto, J. de C. (2024). Therapeutic applications of Eugenia klotzschiana O.Berg: A Systematic Bibliographic Review. Ciência E Natura, 46, e85018.


