Use of pseudomonas fluorecens isolated from the Serra de Ouro Branco State Park/Minas Gerais - Brazil in the biodegradation of residual automotive lubricating oils
Waste oils, Lipases, Indicator 2.6-dichlorophenol-indophenol (DCPIP)Abstract
About 2% of the oil consumed worldwide is related to the production of automotive and industrial lubricating oils. The pollution derived from these oils in aquatic and terrestrial environments is responsible for several ecological and social problems due to their toxic, mutagenic, and carcinogenic properties. Thus, studies related to bioremediation are of importance, and the use of biological treatments, such as biodegradation, is a viable and effective alternative for the treatment of these compounds. The present study aimed to evaluate the biodegradation performance of residual automotive lubricating oils using the lipases Pseudomonas fluorecens obtained in bioprospecting carried out in the Serra do Ouro Branco State Park, Minas Gerais. Through the colorimetric method using the redox indicator 2.6-dichlorophenol-indophenol (DCPIP), the biodegradability of residual oils was monitored. The results obtained demonstrated the potential of the selected bacteria, since they degraded approximately 61.74 to 83.8 % of the waste studied.
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