Flux of methane from the soil in area of forest and pasture in West Pará
Greenhouse effect, Sink, EmissionAbstract
In the Amazon region studies on greenhouse gases are still carried out with low frequency, so understanding the dynamics and flow of these gases in the region is of great importance. Among these gases is methane, which is the second most concentrated greenhouse gas in the atmosphere. In this context, the objective of this study was to quantify the methane fluxes in primary forest and pasture areas and analyze the seasonal variability of the emission/absorption of this gas, as well as to verify the influence of environmental factors acting on the behavior of methane. The study region was the Municipality of Belterra, Western Pará. To measure the methane fluxes in the soil, static chambers were used with the aid of a greenhouse gas analyzer (Los Gatos Research (LGR-915-0011). The methane flux in the soil in the Flona region averaged -1,499 ± 1.3 mg CH₄ m−2 d−1 and an average of -0.4776 ± 1.21 mg CH₄ m−2 d−1 for the pasture area, positive and negative values were obtained for the different areas, indicating emission and consumption of methane, respectively, in the studied period.
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