Analysis of longitudinal data on child development using trivariate linear mixed models derived from copulas
Copulas, Longitudinal data, Children's anthropometric indices, Linear mixed modelsAbstract
Longitudinal studies are quite common in the area of public health and, consequently, adequate statistical methods are required to analyze the temporal evolution of one or more response variables, separately or simultaneously. Specifying the joint density function of all response variables, as well as their correlation structure, are the main obstacles of multivariate modeling procedures. It is also important to highlight the numerical difficulties often encountered in statistical inference when the response dimension increases. As an alternative, this work presents two proposals to deal with multivariate longitudinal data: (i) a univariate approach, with linear mixed models fitted to each of the response variables separately; and (ii) a joint modeling of these variables, through the use of copula functions. Both methodologies are applied to a set of real trivariate data referring to the nutritional development of children in a Brazilian municipality in the state of Bahia.
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