Molecular diagnosis of schistosomiasis mansoni: a literature review
Schistosomiasis mansoni, Molecular biology, Kato-KatzAbstract
Schistosomiasis is a neglected disease caused by trematodes of the genus Schistosoma. The molecular diagnosis of the disease is based on the use of molecular biology as a diagnostic tool. This work aimed to carry out an integrative review of the literature, searching for published works that used molecular biology to diagnose human populations affected by schistosomiasis mansoni. Of the selected articles, those that used fecal samples had sensitivity greater than 12% and specificity greater than 29%, while the sensitivity of studies that used urine in general was greater than 5% with specificities greater than 14%. Studies that used serum samples showed sensitivities of 13.9% to 96.3%, with a specificity above 98%. Thus, the study highlights the potential of using molecular biology as an alternative for diagnosing schistosomiasis mansoni in several areas with different levels of endemicity.
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