A study on the triple bottom line concept applied to sustainable construction through the methodology of systematic literature review
Sustainable construction, Sustainability, Triple bottom lineAbstract
The concerns about construction sustainability, as seen by the Triple bottom line (TBL) framework, appeared in the 90's, as defined by Elkington. This concept aimed to provide a balance between the economic, social, and environmental dimensions. In order to consolidate the framework, it is important to identify the concepts related to sustainability that are being used in the context of sustainable construction. This paper performed a systematic review on the TBL concept applied to sustainable construction, from 2010 to 2021, in the following databases: Scielo, Scopus, and Science direct. Initially, 739 papers were found; 169 made it through the primary screening and 33 were selected after reading the abstracts and removing duplicates. An increase in TBL-related research was observed in the last 10 years, specifically in the field of sustainability of buildings. Likewise, new concepts have been incorporated, such as circular economy, which may result in new ways to support sustainable development. Many of the papers demonstrated the absence of a holistic view of evaluation.
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