Predation of Tropidurus hispidus (Spix, 1825) by Philodryas natteri (Steindachner, 1870) in the Caatinga.
Semi-arid, Diet, Sento-Sé (Bahia), Corre-campo, ColubridaeAbstract
Here, we describe the sighting of Philodryas nattereri preying on a Tropidurus hispidus lizard in Sento-Sé – Bahia, Brazil, located in the central portion of the Caatinga, in a high priority conservation area of the biome. The event was observed in April 2021. This study provides information on the diet of this animal in the Caatinga biome. It thus provides another account of the natural history of snakes, which in itself is a valuable contribution to scientific knowledge since little is known about these animals due to their rarity in nature.
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