Space-temporal and nictemeral variation of limnological parameters in the Jacuí Delta, Lake Guaíba, RS, Brazil
Guaíba Lake, Limnological Parameters, PCAAbstract
Water is an essential good for life, participating in the vast majority of environmental processes and in human activities aimed at production, consumption and leisure. The evaluations of the water parameters, contemplating the studies on the spatio-temporal variations, the nicthemeral alterations (changes throughout the 24 hours of the day) and the vertical distribution of these parameters along the water column, are important for the knowledge about the water quality and understanding of ecological processes in aquatic environments. Environmental concern is growing in the Lake Guaíba hydrographic basin, since the organic load input from the forming rivers, especially the Gravataí and Sinos rivers compromise the water quality in the Jacuí Delta. In the present work, the physical and physical variables of the water were evaluated in two sampling points, no left channel (Canal Navegantes) and no right channel (Canal Jacuí), both sharing in Delta do Jacuí, in Porto Alegre and Eldorado do Sul, LOL. The pH, dissolved oxygen, temperature, turbidity and electrical conductivity values were collected in the water column at three depths (surface, medium, deep), in September and November 2019 and January and February 2020, with the help of portable equipment, in a 24h profile. Through analysis of variance, it was found that for pH, the mean values in surface water were higher. Conductivity and OD spatially differed. Through correlation, positive values of temperature with pH (0.46), pH with oxygen (0.30) and negative values for conductivity and dissolved oxygen (-0.55) were detected. The (PCA), when the main component 1 and 2, together represent 75.62% of all data variation. For the months, there was a difference between all. The sampling sites showed thermal inversion in September and November and thermal and chemical stratification in February.
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