Analysis of maps of wind resources generated by different numerical tools for a complex terrain




Wind energy, Wind flow models, Micro and mesoscale models


The objective of the present work is to compare the characterization of the local scale winds through different techniques of numerical modeling of the atmosphere. We compared four numerical methods to simulate the flow over a complex terrain, namely: CFD RANS with k-ε and k-ω (WindSim), simple mass conserving (WindMap), and refined mesoscale (SiteWind). The mentioned tools are very frequently utilized in the wind industry, and for this reason they have been selected. In this terrain, we had data availability from five meteorological masts during measurement periods that comprised 1.5 to 2 years. To ensure a free tendency analysis, equivalent settings have been used in the microscale models, with steady state, incompressible flow and neutrally stratified atmosphere conditions. Non-negligible differences are found on the spatial distribution of the winds simulated by the different models. Qualitatively, this disagreement hampers the decision-making. The five meteorological masts inside the area are important for adjusting and for checking the model, but they are not enough to categorically claim the superiority of accuracy of one model over the others. Nonetheless, these measurements provide us an indicative that the refined mesoscale model was able to better represent the wind acceleration in the studied region.


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Author Biographies

Adaiana Francisca Gomes da Silva, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo, São José dos Campos, SP

Doutora em Engenharia Aeronáutica e Mecânica pelo ITA; Mestre em Meteorologia pelo INPE; docente no Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo (IFSP), campus São José dos Campos. Experiência na área de Engenharia do Vento - simulações numéricas

Cláudia Regina de Andrade, Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica, São José dos Campos, SP

Doutora em Engenharia Aeronáutica e Mecânica pelo ITA; Mestre em Meteorologia pelo INPE; professora titular no Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica, departamento de Propulsão. Experiência na área de CFD, transferência de calor e sistemas de controle ambiental de aeronaves

Edson Luiz Zaparoli, Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica, São José dos Campos, SP

Mestre e Doutor em Engenharia Aeronáutica e Mecânica pelo ITA; professor aposentado do Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica, departamento de Energia. Experiência: 1) ITA - CFD, escoamento de fluidos e transferência de calor; 2) Casa dos Ventos - escoamento atmosférico para aplicação em energia eólica


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How to Cite

Silva, A. F. G. da, Andrade, C. R. de, & Zaparoli, E. L. (2020). Analysis of maps of wind resources generated by different numerical tools for a complex terrain. Ciência E Natura, 42, e30.