Profile of the author of noncompliance with urgent protective measures in the city of Curitiba (Brazil) between January 2018 and June 2019
Domestic violence, Gender violence, Maria da Penha Law, Cycle of violenceAbstract
Despite advances concerning domestic and family violence against women, especially after the enactment of Law 11340/2006, Maria da Penha Law in Brazil, there is a long way to be traced by the government for mitigation of problems related to this topic. This paper used the literature of scientific review articles in order to create a consistent theoretical framework for understanding and, uses the observation of a Criminal Analysis Report, issued by the Coordination of Analysis and Strategic Planningin Paraná state of Brazil, which was to data source the police report Unified, we obtained information that has worked from the descriptive and inferential statistics, enabling demonstrate some features of the author of the protective measure of breach crime.
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- 2020-06-04 (1)
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