Evaluation of toxic effect of bamboo preservatives on Lactuca sativa germination and growth
Disposal, Treatments, ToxicityAbstract
Materials such as wood and bamboo in their various applications are subject to degradation by deteriorating organisms like fungi and insects. Chemical treatments are routinely used by bamboo professionals aiming to control this degradation. However, it is usual the dispose of these used solutions on soil and the environmental risks and effects on vegetation of this improper disposal are still unknown. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the phytotoxicity of CCB solutions (compound based on copper, chromium and boron), tetrahydrate sodium octaborate and CB (copper sulfate with boric acid) under different concentrations in the germination and development of lettuce (Lactuca sativa). The pH and electrical conductivity of the prepared solutions were also measured. The results show that the three preservatives are phytotoxic and inhibit root development, even after dilutions of 50 times that used by professionals. Thus, the disposal of these effluents in the soil or water bodies may have negative environmental impacts on vegetation, requiring treatment after use on preservation of the culms or higher dilutions of the effluents before the disposal.
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