Drying kinetics of Chinese garlic (Allium tuberosum) and its effect on color
Mathematical modeling, Quality, Post-harvestAbstract
Dehydrated garlic is an important component both for culinary and medicinal purposes. However, there is a scarcity of studies that characterizes its drying kinetics. Thus, the objective of this work was to study the drying kinetics of Chinese garlic (Allium tuberosum), as well as to analyze the color effect resulting from each treatment. The garlic bulbs were cut into thin slices with a width of 2 and 3 mm, subjected to the drying air temperature of 35, 45, 55 and 70 °C in a mechanical dryer of a fixed layer with forced convection. Was performed a non-linear regression analysis by the Quasi-Newton method, for adjustment to 11 mathematical models to the experimental data of drying. The Midilli equation was the mathematical model that best characterized all the drying temperatures, for the experimental data. The diffusion coefficient presented values between 1.46 x 10-11 and 7.32 x 10-11 m2.s-1. The increase of the drying air temperature caused the dimming of the samples with a reduction of the L* coordinate and reduction of the yellow of the samples according to the coordinate results h*. The temperature of 70 °C was detrimental to the maintenance of the Chinese garlic coloration.
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- 2020-05-11 (1)
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