Application of the prescriptive method RTQ-C in the analysis of the thermal performance level of the envelope of public buildings in Cachoeira do Sul / RS
Energy efficiency, RTQ-C, Thermal comfortAbstract
In Brazil, where buildings generally account for 52% of electricity consumption, the design of buildings taking into account the knowledge of climatic characteristics where they will be built becomes an important tool. Constructive materials play a very important role in ensuring thermal comfort. The thermal properties of a given product must be specified in the selection step of the materials that compose it. In this sense, the work seeks to evaluate both the implantation through the analysis of the architectural project, as well as the influence of the constructive elements in the determination of the thermal performance level of the buildings envelope, through the prescriptive method RTQ-C, of the B1 and B2 buildings, located in the UFSM campus of Cachoeira do Sul. Thus, it was found that the building achieved performance level B, which was limited by the prerequisites for calculated thermal transmittance to the walls and coverage in winter conditions. and also by the absorbance of the blue color used in the east and west facades of the building.
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