Surface water quality of temporary reservoirs located between the semi-arid region and the Brazilian northeast coast
Aquatic ecotoxicology, Moina micrura, Environmental geochemistryAbstract
In Doce River watershed (DRW), Northeast Brazil, there is unplanned occupation, pollution and high water deficit, such factors were aggravated by the drought that started in 2012, which could imply conflicts and social disturbances. The purpose of this work was to analyze physical, chemical and ecotoxicological characteristics in relation to monthly precipitation, soil occupancy and water quality criteria, of samples from eight superficial reservoirs, of two sub basin, in august 2016. In the region studied was verified that the values of electrical conductivity, hardness content, Cd, Ni and chloride content were significantly different among the sub basins, this is probably due to the natural factors, such as the predominant geology in each sub basin. In all sampling stations the metals Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn shows disconformity to the water quality criteria to protect aquatic biota, for human consumption and livestock was the metal Pb and the salinity for use in irrigation. In addition, the toxic effects to the reproduction of M. Micrura and C. Silvestrii, was probably caused by Pb, Cu, Zn, indicate that the use of native species to analyze environmental samples is indispensable for increase the representativeness and relevance of research.Downloads
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