Uso de técnicas de geoprocessamento na determinação de áreas de risco de incêndio e determinação de locais para a instalação de torres de observação de incêndios. Estudo de caso: Floresta Nacional de São Francisco de Paula/RS
National Forests, geoprocessing, forests fires.Abstract
In this work, the tools of geoprocessing were used as a subject to elaborate a map of fires risk to the National Forest of São Francisco de Paula, State of Rio Grande do Sul, and also to determinate suitable spots for strategic location of two fire observation towers, that could help for the prevention and combats to fires in the forest. Mapping fire risk was achieved by following, basically, the methodology proposed by Vettorazzi & Ferraz (1998). In this way, using the image of the satellite Ikonos /I and topographical maps that corresponded to the study area, such as realizing practice works, it was possible to generate, at the software Idrisi for Windows (32 bits), 6 layers, which were integrated using GIS, giving place to a map of fires risk to the zone. This map, associated with otherinformation about the zone and of the local habits, allowed the determination of the spots to installate the towers. It was ended that the proposed methodology adapted to the study area, and that the zone needs a strategic plan of prevention and combats to fires because of its importance as a preservation area and due to its report of fires occurrence.
In this work, the tools of geoprocessing were used as a subject to elaborate a map of fires risk to the National Forest of São Francisco de Paula, State of Rio Grande do Sul, and also to determinate suitable spots for strategic location of two fire observation towers, that could help for the prevention and combats to fires in the forest. Mapping fire risk was achieved by following, basically, the methodology proposed by Vettorazzi & Ferraz (1998). In this way, using the image of the satellite Ikonos /I and topographical maps that corresponded to the study area, such as realizing practice works, it was possible to generate, at the software Idrisi for Windows (32 bits), 6 layers, which were integrated using GIS, giving place to a map of fires risk to the zone. This map, associated with other
information about the zone and of the local habits, allowed the determination of the spots to installate the towers. It was ended that the proposed methodology adapted to the study area, and that the zone needs a strategic plan of prevention and combats to fires because of its importance as a preservation area and due to its report of fires occurrence.
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