Phytoplankton of lentic waters from the campus of Santa Catarina University (Florianópolis, SC, Southern Brazil)


  • Eloise Goulart São José, SC.
  • Alain Couté Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle Laboratoire de Cryptogamie, Paris.
  • Yves Thérézien Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle Laboratoire de Cryptogamie, Paris.
  • Iara Maria Franceschini Porto Alegre, RS.



Phytoplankton, Eutrophic freshwaters, Southern Brazil.


Phytoplankton of lentic waters from the Campus of Santa Catarina University (Florianópolis, SC, Southern Brazil). Phytoplankton of lentic waters from the Campus of Santa Catarina University was studied from September 1993 to March 1994 and September 1994 to March 1995, excepting the class Bacillariophyceae. Samples were taken from three ponds, namely Horto Botânico, Centro de Convivência and Hospital Universitário. Forty two genera were identified, including 78 species, verieties and formae. Cellular measurements, occurrence at the sampling stations and pictures are given for each infrageneric taxon. In general, species composition of the ponds changed slightly from one period to another. Chlorophyta was the richest taxonomic group in the three localities; among them, the order Chlorococcales, which often abounds in eutrophic waters, prevailed in richness and frequency of species. The majority of the identified taxa is widespread throughout the world.


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How to Cite

Goulart, E., Couté, A., Thérézien, Y., & Franceschini, I. M. (2002). Phytoplankton of lentic waters from the campus of Santa Catarina University (Florianópolis, SC, Southern Brazil). Ciência E Natura, 24(24), 21–48.