Turismo científico em paleontologia no município de Faxinal do Soturno - RS
Fossiliferous outcrops, Upper Triassic, Fossil reptiles, Scientific tourism in paleontology.Abstract
This work is based on the survey of fossiliferous outcrops at the Faxinal do Soturno municipality, in order to stimulate the scientific tourism. From this point of view, the dynamics and strategies of the touristic activity were investigated, with a priority in the geographic space (physical, human and economical characters). Due to the geologic and paleontologic characteristics existent at the municipality, the settlement of scientific tourism in paleontology is proposed, as a way of local economic development. A tour route shows the localization of the proper outcrops, its lithology, fossiliferous potentiality, and description of the paleoenvironment. Finally, some infrastructure improvements are recommended.Downloads
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