Aplicação da análise fatorial e do Sig à integração e apresentação dos resultados do estudo da qualidade de água e sedimentos fluviais na região do Baixo Jacuí, RS
Surface Water, Sediment, Trace Elements, GIS, Factor AnalysisAbstract
Factor analysis and geoprocessing techniques were complementary tools for integration and visual presentation of results from water quality and fluvial sediment studies in Baixo Jacuí region, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. Samples were taken along 18 months in 15 sites along the Jacuí river and main tributaries, especially Conde creek, where there is important anthropogenic contribution associated to coal explotation, processing and waste disposal. The proposed water quality index to the region has facilitated the detection of critical fluvial segments, particularly related to trace elements concentration in Conde creek. In Jacuí river it was not observed a water quality variation, problably in responde to a high dilution capacity. On the other hand, the application of fatorial analysis techniques to sediment data suggested its great sensitivity to assess the main sources of pollution to the water resources in the study region and pointed out the accumulation of pollutants in the sediments, from industrial and coaI processing related sources. This results could be integrated by geoprocessing techniques to facilitate public presentation.Downloads
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