Selênio: funções biológicas e efeitos tóxicos


  • Marcelo Farina Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões, Erechim, RS.



Many studies have indicated the toxicological role of organic and inorganic species of selenium, inducing the appearance of a large variety of process that cause the injury of animals and humans tissues.
However, its well known that selenium is an essential trace element for man and its deficiency is the major cause of some mammalian pathologies like cardiac and muscular diseases. This review approach the chemical characteristics of selenium, relating them with their physiologic and toxicologic effects. Consideration about the absorption, metabolism and excretion of species of selenium are also showed.



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How to Cite

Farina, M. (2000). Selênio: funções biológicas e efeitos tóxicos. Ciência E Natura, 22(22), 59–82.