Cellular development and changes in the structure of rays in the xylem of Rollinia emarginata Schlecht. (Annonaceae)


  • Paulo Cesar Botosso Departamento de Produtos Florestais (DPF), Instituto Nacional de Pesquisa da Amazônia (INPA), Manaus, AM.




Through microscopical observations in serial tangential sctions from cambium to pith the development and the most significant cellular changes in the structure of rays of Rollinia emarginata Schlecht. (Annonaceae) were observed. The ray characteristics of the outermost layer of secondary xylem are described and the major changes in the ray structure in different stages of secondary develooment are considered. The cellular changes observed are extremely variable, occurring isolated or in complex combinations. The most significant cellular changes observed during ray development are the following: origin of ray initials from fusiform initials or from cambial ray initials; changes resulting from the intrusive growth of fusiform initials through a group of ray initials and the loss of ray initials from the cambium. From these cellular transformations the most important changes in the origin of secondary rays, increase in height and width and reduction in the height of multisseriate rays are considered.


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How to Cite

Botosso, P. C. (1988). Cellular development and changes in the structure of rays in the xylem of Rollinia emarginata Schlecht. (Annonaceae). Ciência E Natura, 10(10), 131–146. https://doi.org/10.5902/2179460X25496