Anatomical study of the wood of Myrceugenia glaucescens (Camb.) Legr. et Kaus


  • José Newton Cardoso Marchiori Departamento de Ciências Florestais, Centro de Ciências Rurais - CCR, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM, Santa Maria, RS.
  • Graciela I. Bolzon Muñiz Instituto de Tecnologia de la Madera, Universidade Nacional del Estero.



The general and minute wood features of Myrceugenia glaucescens are described. Anatomical data and photomicrographs of the wood are presented. The microscopic structure of the wood is compared with references of the species, genus and family Myrtaceae found in literature. The most important characters observed in the wood are the occurrence of perforation plates varying from simples to scelariform and reticulate, vessel-ray pits radially elongated, spiral thickenings in vessel elements and in the relatively scarce vasicentric tracheids. The presence of Heterogeneous type-I rays, vestured pits, very long vessel elements, apotracheal parenchyma, fibre tracheids and solitary pores, are also important features of this wood and of common occurrence in Myrtaceae.


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How to Cite

Marchiori, J. N. C., & Muñiz, G. I. B. (1988). Anatomical study of the wood of Myrceugenia glaucescens (Camb.) Legr. et Kaus. Ciência E Natura, 10(10), 105–114.