Wood anatomical study of Guettarda uruguensis Cham. et Schlecht


  • José Newton Cardoso Marchiori Departamento de Ciências Florestais, Centro de Ciências Rurais - CCR, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM, Santa Maria, RS.




The wood of Guettarda uruguensis Cham. et Schlecht described in its general, macroscopic and microscopic aspects. The species shows a good similary with anatomical literature references to the botanical genus and family Rubiaceae. Among the most important characters must be pointed ou the presence of extremely numerous pores in transversal section, pores of small size and occurring as solitary or in small multiples, simple perforation plates in vessels, small and vestured intervascular pitting, the absence of axial parenchyma, septate fibres and rays of Heterogeneous I type, with predominance of bi-seriate ones


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How to Cite

Marchiori, J. N. C. (1986). Wood anatomical study of Guettarda uruguensis Cham. et Schlecht. Ciência E Natura, 8(8), 115–124. https://doi.org/10.5902/2179460X25448