Descriptive wood anatomy of the species of Prosopis L., native in the State of Rio Grande do Sul


  • José Newton Cardoso Marchiori Departamento de Ciências Florestais, Centro de Ciências Rurais - CCR, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM, Santa Maria, RS.



This paper presents the wood anatomy description of Prosopis algarobilla Gris. and Prosopis nigra (Gris.) Hieron. The wood structure of these species is compared with the anatomical literature concerned to the genus Prosopis. The most important anatomical differences, were observed in vessel volume fraction, axial parenchyma volume fraction and width of rays in number of cells.


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How to Cite

Marchiori, J. N. C. (1985). Descriptive wood anatomy of the species of Prosopis L., native in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. Ciência E Natura, 7(7), 83–98.

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