Beta function applied on fitting of stem circumference distribution in all forest types of Rio Grande do Sul


  • José Alves da Silva Departamento de Ciências Florestais, Centro de Ciências Rurais - CCR, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM, Santa Maria, RS.



An attempt was made to show the utilization of BETA function on the fitting of stem circumference distribution in all forest types of Rio Grande do Sul.

The FORTRAN program BETKLA was utilized to estimate the parameters of the BETA function, according to ZOEHRER (1970).

For all forest types the BETA function underestimated the frequency of stem distribution in lower and upper circumference classes.



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How to Cite

Silva, J. A. da. (1984). Beta function applied on fitting of stem circumference distribution in all forest types of Rio Grande do Sul. Ciência E Natura, 6(6), 91–100.

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