Deforesting and agricultural horizontal expansion in the Toropi River Basin, RS


  • Dirce Maria Suertegaray Rossato Departamento de Geociências, Centro de Ciências Naturais e Exatas - CCNE Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM, Santa Maria, RS.



This work presents data on deforestating and agricultural horizontal expansion. The calculated data to the Toropi river basin was based on tematic maps that were made with basis on aireal pictures. The data show a significant decrease of the natural vegetation and reforestation, with an increase of agricultural areas. In the twelve years that they were studied (1964 to 1975) the subtropical woods, the groves and the areas with eucalyptus had their areas reduced in relative values in 25.51%, 56.03% and 35.62%, respectively, whereas the agricultural area had na increase of 73.75%. The increase in the cultivated áreas evaluated by relief compartment was larger in the downstream compartments (Central depression and plain edge), that from 1964 to 1975 had its agricultural areas increased by 82.38%. The agricultural area of the plains has also increased, though in smaller scale, equivalente to 60.62%.


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Author Biography

Dirce Maria Suertegaray Rossato, Departamento de Geociências, Centro de Ciências Naturais e Exatas - CCNE Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM, Santa Maria, RS.


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How to Cite

Rossato, D. M. S. (1980). Deforesting and agricultural horizontal expansion in the Toropi River Basin, RS. Ciência E Natura, 2(2), 77–90.